Friday, April 2, 2010

On the Anonymous Comments...

Hey out there...

I'm wondering how many of you have blogs, and if you do, how do you deal with anonymous comments? Joie Studio's blog comments are moderated so it's not such a huge deal, but I'm finding more and more that "Anonymous" is synonymous with "Spam." I know it's easier to post as "Anonymous," so I haven't restricted anonymous comments yet, but all the same, it's kind of annoying for me to go through and reject comments about diet pills and some more...uhm...interesting remedies. If some of my anonymous commenters who actually have an interest in Joie Studio's blog can chime in here -- I'd love to keep the option open if you find it useful. Let me know!


Kate said...

I lurk on your blog and love it...

I have a blog too and once the spam comments started, I required "owner approval" and the weird verification letters. It stopped the spamming.

Tina said...

Thanks, Kate! I turned on the verification thingie and it stopped the spam...hopefully it's not too detrimental to commenters! Let me know if it's too much...

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