Thursday, April 24, 2008

Destashing Crane's Lettra, Coasters, Envelopes

So I buy paper specifically for custom jobs with a certain amount of overage just in case. Sometimes, I need to buy a specific bulk quantity and have leftover paper. Lately, my paper supply has gotten a little out of control, so I've decided to put them on sale. My largest supply is of course Crane's Lettra, which is professionally cut down by my paper broker with a nice big paper cutting machine. I've got a bunch, and by a bunch I mean a couple boxes, of A7 (4.875x7) flat cards. Also, I stocked up on coasters thinking I was going to do a project out of them, but I just haven't had the time and I need the space the boxes (yes, again, boxes) of coasters are taking up. The same goes for envelopes. I have lots and lots of envelopes around the studio.

Here is the link to my overstock shop:

I'm going through my supply slowly, so if there's a certain size or color you're looking for, shoot me an email and I'll see if I've got what you're looking for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina, this was posted back in April and it's now September. Any chance you still have a bunch of A-7 Lettra floating around?

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