Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gift Certificates

I decided that I needed gift certificates/gift cards for Joie Studio. So I handset type and decided that I would use my address line magnesium plate. Here are the lines and the magnesium plate:
After locking the forme into the chase and pulling a test print, I discovered (surprise surprise) that my magnesium plate was unevenly cut. So I had to do some crazy shimming with leads, slugs, and reglets to even it out:
One side only had one slug, while the other had two reglets and a lead:
The result wasn't perfectly straight, but it looks straight. I printed in metallic bronze for a little bit extra depth and paired it the gift certificate with a pale blush pink envelope. I'm also going to offer bluebell envelopes as well.

Now I have something for customers who want to buy their special someone custom letterpress! And they're versatile enough so that when I get my webshop up and running off Etsy, I'll be able to do online gift certificates as well and write the code on the card.
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